Furniture for medical clinic and doctor’s office: what you need and how to find it

The furniture for a medical clinic or a doctor’s office plays a crucial role in the design of a welcoming, efficient and professional environment. Choosing the right furniture and equipment helps a lot to create a relaxing atmosphere, as well as to guarantee the functionality of a room conceived for healthcare.

In this article we will highlight the key elements for the furnishing of a room that can address the needs of both healthcare professionals and their patients.

What cannot be missing in a medical clinic or a doctor’s office

Entering a medical clinic or a doctor’s office is a moment full of emotions and expectations. From a practical standpoint, every detail plays a key role.

We could face many challenges, starting from the dimensions of the room. That is why we created a list of essentials that cannot be missing in such a space.

First of all, an examination table is a must-have – either standard or specialized, like a gynaecology examination table. In both cases, you should add a footstool (one-step, two-step or double-sided) to facilitate any movement around the table. Screens are important as well, so that the patient is able to get dressed/undressed safely.

Of course, we cannot forget about the treatment and procedure cart. A practical aid for organizing instruments, medicines, and all necessary tools that must always be accessible and ready for use.

What about the rest of the consultation? You need a stool, either with or without backrest, for the healthcare professional, one desk and at least two chairs or armchairs to make patients or visitors comfortable. Behind or next to the desk, there has to be a cabinet: the perfect solution to keep the room tidy and glance quickly at the stored medicines.

Tips on how to find the perfect furniture for a medical clinic

Each category of furniture available in our catalogue displays a large number of options. We are well aware that for each clinic there are many factors that could influence the final decisions. Not only the space, but also the kind of daily activity and, of course, the budget.

We handpicked a few of our best-sellers to provide a solution for different spaces and needs:

Choosing products by CFS Italia means embracing Italian excellence, buying products built with high-quality materials, designed and made in Italy, according to Italian standards and regulations. Our furniture is available in different colors and customizable solutions, to suit all of your needs.    


In this article we provided a list of essentials for the furnishing of a medical clinic or a doctor’s office, but you will find many more items in CFS Italia product range to complete your room. Get in touch with us to receive our catalogue and to discuss a taylor-made project based on your needs.
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